Visit Our Spirit Sports Camp Website
40 Bull's Bridge Rd
South Kent, CT 06785
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Spirit Sports Camp provides a unique athletic experience for girls from 2nd through 10th grade. It is a place where girls have the opportunity to enhance their skills, increase their knowledge of and participate in a wide variety of sports. During each session, campers attend team practices, receive workouts tailored to their abilities and compete in games. Individual skill improvement and a better tactical awareness of each sport offered are a focus of SPIRIT.
Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Dance, and more. Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Tennis, Softball, Basketball, Track/x-country, Volleyball, Swimming
CAMP LOCATION: Nestled on a hillside near the Appalachian Trail in South Kent, CT
CAMP FACILITIES: Private boarding school facilities
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each camper designs her own schedule with the help of her advisor on the first day of camp. Campers in grades 8 and above choose 2 or 3 sports in which to participate. Younger campers choose 3-5 sports.
Sports include: basketball, cross-country, field hockey, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis and volleyball.
Our main objective is to teach each player how to fully reach her potential in each of her chosen sports. Our exercises, drills and training games are designed to teach individual techniques and tactics through creative and motivating sessions in an environment of positive reinforcement and communication. All sports at SPIRIT are taught using the simple coaching principle that girls learn and develop skills most quickly when they are having fun.
When we are not on the playing fields, our mission continues to develop girls to be the best they can be while also bringing out the best in others. We develop and discuss confidence, a positive self-image, teamwork and cooperation. We also foster and support good communication, responsibility and leadership skills, Campers have the option of registering for three or two weeks: July 9 to 29 or July 9 to 22, 2017.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Aid applications available upon request.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Winter address: 2222 Charles Lane, Akron, OH 44333
Check us out at Our Camp Website Link:
Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Connecticut Golf Summer Camp or Summer Golf Recreation Program.
Many Connecticut Day and Sleepaway Golf Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Golf Activities.
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